Podcasts I'm Listening To

Podcasts have blown up the last few years and what I love the most is that there’s a podcast about any topic you can think of. Below are some I’m currently listening to and why I’d recommend them!


The Daily has become part of my morning routine as I make my morning coffee. It is hosted by journalist Michael Barbaro and every morning he covers the largest current events in a 30minute podcast. I love his style of interviewing and he breaks down complex problems in a way that’s engaging and digestible. This is a great podcast to keep up with the latest news!


NPR How I built this with guy raz

This is one of my favorite podcasts! I love learning how the biggest brands came to be. Guy’s moderating style turns these conversations into stories and he does a really great job of getting entrepreneurs to be vulnerable. It gives listeners a behind the scenes look of all the hard work it took to build these businesses. Another thing I really respect about Guy is that he is selective about who he interviews; he chooses founders who are willing to be open and not filter out parts of their lives and genuinely want to share their story rather than use the podcast for publicity.

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Andrew Yang is a former presidential candidate, entrepreneur, and founder of Venture for America. His entrepreneurial spirit led him to launch his own podcast Yang Speaks where he shares his perspectives and ideas about how we can build a better future for our country. I really enjoy the variety of guests he brings onto the show: leaders in tech, sports, entertainment, and politics. I always walk away from his podcast learning something new and thinking about problems with a different perspective.


asian boss girl

This is a podcast I recently discovered and I’m so happy I did! I love seeing Asian-American women represented in media outlets and this is a podcast that I can relate to. These three women (Melody, Helen, and Janet) talk about their life experiences as professional young adults and their episodes range from talking about work-life balance to dating. I love the dynamic between these three, when you’re listening, it feels like you’re in a room with friends.

I’m always looking for new podcasts to listen to, so if you have any recommendations, please leave them in the comments!
xo Kerstin


Walla Walla Vintners

