Adjusting To A New City


Rebuilding your life in a new city is tough and it's been quite the adjustment for me to move to Boulder. Through social media, it seems like I'm loving every bit of my time here, but it's just curated moments of my favorite memories. To be honest, I'm still trying to find my place in this town. I love blogging because I can share a more real side of me. 

I've been here for three weeks now and for the first week I was here, all I wanted to do was go home. I missed my family, friends, and Seattle summers. Though, in the last two weeks, I learned that everything is about perspective and the people make the place. 

Take time to enjoy, and enjoy the time you take. I was so used to the hustle and bustle of the city and when I came to Colorado, things were at a slower pace and the city as a whole felt quiet. I felt anxious and a bit lost, I didn't know what to do with myself. In the following weeks, I learned to calm down and take it all in. Colorado is a beautiful state and I've learned to appreciate all its' quirks. Being present has taught me to appreciate all the little things. 

Life is meant for good friends & great adventures. The first couple of days were pretty lonely. There weren't other interns in my department and I started later than most, so everyone already formed their cliques. I was lucky to have found an intern who introduced me to his group of CU friends and its' been a completely different experience! They're the most welcoming group of people and nights alone turned to late night laughs and adventures. It's the people and the memories that make life worth living! 

If you're moving to a new city anytime soon, remember that it's a process. It may be difficult at first, but try to stay positive in every situation and find people who you enjoy spending time with. For me, the turning point was the day the photo above was taken. I watched the sunrise with someone I quickly felt comfortable with and I finally felt excited about all the possibilities in Colorado. Thanks for making Colorado feel a bit like home.

xo Kerstin


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