What I'm Looking Forward to in 22!

Hello :) It’s been 3 months since I’ve written a post and a lot has happened since! I graduated, took some time to relax, and started a full time job as a UX Researcher at Highspot! Near the end of the school year, I felt pretty burnt out and needed time to relax, refresh, and feel inspired to write. Taking the time for myself before working really allowed me to feel reenergized and motivated to take on everything life has in store for me! I’m excited to be back writing and as I turn 22 soon, I thought I’d kickoff with 22 things I’m looking forward to during my Taylor Swift year (cue T-Swift’s song 22 🎵).

  1. Living a more healthy lifestyle and sticking to a workout schedule

  2. Starting my career as a UX Researcher

  3. Fostering current relationships and building new ones

  4. Believing in my self

  5. Continuing to learn and grow personally and professionally

  6. Bringing new ideas to work and not being afraid to speak up

  7. Being more spontaneous

  8. Living more presently

  9. Being more patient

  10. Not being afraid to say no

  11. Getting out of my comfort zone

  12. Letting go of friendships that are one-sided

  13. Decreasing screen time and admiring this beautiful world we live in

  14. Reading more

  15. Overthinking less and moving onto the next adventure

  16. Being unapologetically myself

  17. Giving more — giving back to the community, giving more time to fam/friends, etc.

  18. Listening more

  19. Learning to adult

  20. Continuing to explore the world (send me your travel recs!)

  21. Being open to falling in love (maybe this year will be the year? haha)

  22. Living my best life 🎉

    xo Kerstin


Why I Haven't Been Writing...


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